Monday, June 10, 2013

The hay is looking good!  We need to haul it in soon…either today or tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest.


This might be the last time we get a cutting off this field since the water is short.  Terry will decide after the hay is hauled in.

I know I keep going on and on about the water (I’m sure it is becoming and old song by now) but that is where our thoughts are.  Moving water, making sure everything gets wet, always asking the question “can we make it?”  Everyday we ask, everyday we work it a little bit more and ‘whew’ we are through those rows.

Terry is off to the Doctor around 9 this morning, which will tell us more about his leg.  He is DETERMINED that HE WILL haul in the hay…


Sigh, sigh!

I decided I will just have to see it though, and if I can pick up the slack I will.


We finally had to break down and hook up the air conditioner.  93* was hot and today it is supposed to be 103*  It was time

Besides coming into a cool house was nice after the blistering heat in the fields. The wind is predicted to rise today so having the cooler on will help keep the dirt out of the house.


Well, not much going on here, just taking it one day at a time, one field at a time and waiting to see what the Doctor has to say.

Thanks for stopping by,
