Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The gale of a wind blew all day yesterday filling our air with choking dirt and dust.  DUST-!It was a mess changing water —

Hunkered-downBoomer wouldn’t even trot around looking for things to smell by the last set of the night, he just sat himself down in the lowest point on the earth (a furrow) and waited for us to finish.  Lots-of-workFuzzy had to work hard to stay with me, but he did it.


The wind picked up over the night and went from gale to very strong gale-it even blew off some tin on one of the roofs.


Then around three this morning it rained.

Everything settled down, cool and clear by the time we went out and sat the first tubes.


It was just lovely!


By the time we came in the wind was back.  If the wind blows in the morning here it won’t stop until sometime at night, therefore, we will have wind all day.


The weather guys have issued a freeze warning for tonight and a freeze watch for tomorrow night.  Then I am hoping we move back toward warmer weather.

Not broiling weather, warm weather.  I hope the weather gods are reading this! 🙂


14 thoughts on “Wednesday, May 1, 2013

  1. We’ve had beyond crappy winds here since last Friday. In fact I lost a couple more big trees to them. Today is the first day (at least this morning) we’ve not had horrible wind. Hoping it sticks.


  2. Wind is the only weather I DO NOT LIKE. It doesn’t seem to serve any purpose except to move dirt from one place to another. Good luck with the weather gods.


  3. Wow, Linda. The fourth photo from the bottom is FABULOUS. That one needs to be framed… What an incredible picture… I can’t get over it… It’s marvelous!!!

    Sorry you had damaging winds… Hope they subside soon… I cannot imagine working outside in that weather… Yipes.


  4. Fabulous skies!
    We had frost this morning, then nearly 70, and frost in the forecast for tonight…it HAS to settle soon.
    Wishing you a windless day for tomorrow – or as close as you ever come 🙂


  5. I know how you feel about the wind, it seems like here that as soon as nice weather shows up the wind has to blow like 90 miles an hour! Isn’t it nice to see the green?


  6. Our spring weather this year is really bouncing around from one extreme to the other.We are looking forward to some really nice days but we’ve had wicked winds.


  7. You really live with the elements, the earth the sky, the wind, the rain….living the pulse of the earth…
    Hope the wind doesn’t dry out all your lovely rain showers….


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