It’s Snowing Outside

8″ here,  and growing.  

It was hard to get to work.

Clearing the paths to the cows and chickens was a trip. Ground blizzards and unplowed roads.

The county is only plowing roads from 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to save money.

CDOT is only plowing from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Still it is beautiful!

The storm is suppose to move out by Wednesday and freezing weather to settle in —like 2* above at night with another storm scheduled to arrive on Saturday.

It will be very important for us to get the paths cleared before the ice hits. 

If this stays we will have a White Christmas!


24 thoughts on “It’s Snowing Outside

  1. You’re very brave to be out taking photos in that weather! It has been below zero every night for days here. I put several extra blankets out in the dog houses for the outdoor dogs last night and just pulled out the heated pad today to check it – it works so I think I’ll install it in one of the dog houses and hope the oldest girl gets to use it! Stay warm and safe!


  2. I saw that storm move across the bottom of Utah and N AZ and wondered how bad you would be dumped on. Wow! At least you will have irrigation water next summer. Fresh snow is SO beautiful. Keep yourself and your critters warm!


  3. You have my intense sympathy. I know it is December but I am simply not ready for winter. Maybe because we had a pretty pathetic summer here, but I want a few more weeks of fall….please, please, please. lol


  4. Beautiful photos Linda but I know it’s lots of extra work.

    Do be careful moving it around and driving in it.

    It’s headed our way now. Snow for awhile and freezing rain to finish. Yehaw!!!


  5. Boy, Linda, I am so glad we are not getting that yet, we are supposed to be getting 3-5 inches of snow and then ice and turn to rain tomorrow. I am lucky enough that if the weather is bad enough I don’t go any where in it. The only thing is that I have to do all the plowing if it happens during the week because of course the hubby is gone all week long. I think we better be getting our plow on the truck like really soooooon.


  6. No snow here, just cooooold! -5* F this morning. At least we don’t have the 50MPH wind gusts we had two days ago. The winter wheat could have used a nice blanket of snow. Guess we’ll know next spring how well it is taking this cold.


  7. Linda

    Please try to send just one day of your snow storms to Brisbane, Australia. We are all sweltering with the heat and this summer looks like being the “summer of all heats”.
    I absolutely these days hate the cold of winters -so you may keep your snow storms and very cold winters – but the heat of the nights here is just really unbearable. When you up in the northern hemisphere freeze , in the southern hemisphere we cook! So I am only requesting just one day of your snow storms and then you can have them back! Fair enough???? Wait a moment, my request will be for one snow storm for every week of the next 3 months! How’s that for fair play???

    Just wait for reports from Australia this summer on the deaths of the elderly because of the heat – it will be staggering – just like about 5 or 6 years ago. Families without airconditioning were sleeping in their air conditioned cars and for 2 weeks, there was not one room available in any Brisbane or Gold Coast hotel or motel available as people moved into these places for some sleep!
    I paid for two nights and really fortunate that I got it to stay at the then Brisbane Sheraton and now the Brisbane Sofitel – thankfully I knew people who got me in. I felt for two nights I had gone to heaven.
    I just hope that something concise will come out of Copenhagen this week. Something has to be done with the present weather situation to this planet!

    Sweltering Colin


  8. Well we woke up to only a few inches and it being chilly. Zooker took it the worse, Evan said he went to run out the door and put on the brakes when he hit the snow, HAHA, poor southern pup!
    You and Terry stay safe in all the weather!


  9. It’s 53 here this morning, but heading down to the mid teens for the next several nights. We’ll be really excited to see the possible 1-2″ accumulation of snow predicted…that we probably won’t get. You could probably keep your 8 plus ;-).


  10. Oh, it’s so beautiful and I loved your photos. Sounds awfully cold though. In Vermont, they plow the roads throughout the day and night, even our back roads. Part of the reason why our property taxes are so high. Here in the Ozarks, if it’s bad weather, people stay home.


  11. I wonder if your storm made it up here! We are at 15 inches and counting!!! A good old fashion blizzard! I love it. I’m sure it can be a huge bother to not have everything plowed around the clock, but desperate times call foe desperate measures, and it is good to see that some states and counties know their limits.


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