October 23, 2013

Not a lot happening here.  I got the trucks cleaned and ready to go, plus our car and Terry’s pickup.  I thought if I was cleaning the everyday vehicles I might as well get the grain truck and the Dodge spruced up and ready for work.

Cold After a long day I can say they are done!

Today Terry will take a corn sample down to see the moisture content.  Some of the guys have started combining…the ones that store their corn and sell it later.  I drove by the Elevator and saw a semi unloading so there are those that are dry enough to begin.  I don’t think he really wants to start until November 1st, but (between you and me) if the corn is ready he will have a hard time waiting. 🙂  🙂

I added a link so you can see the whole process from beginning to end here on our little farm.  Some of you have already seen this, or live where it is happening, but I know there are others that are new to my blog, or live in places where the corn doesn’t grow.

Today I have  want to tackle my office and all the paperwork sitting there waiting for me to do something about it.  What a drag, but it  has to be done so I had better get to moving on it.


I hope your day is a good one,

Your western Colorado farm friend,


13 thoughts on “October 23, 2013

  1. You’ve done two of my least favorite jobs—cleaning cars and home office. I don’t know why I detest them so much. Maybe if I wouldn’t let them get “too far gone”, it would be an easier task? 🙂


  2. Gorgeous photos! I just love the peace and beauty of rural areas! I hear from friends in Michigan that it is snowing!!! I sure hope it stays in Michigan too! LOL 😀 Don’t want to see that white stuff here in ND!!!! 😦


  3. The colors your photos are sooooo beautiful! Would love to look out my windows and see mountains!

    Farmers are harvesting corn, cotton and grain sorghum today. My corn isn’t ready quite yet. Haven’t gone over to check the sunflowers recently, they should be about ready.

    Want to come clean my car??!! 🙂 I hate that job. Office clean up? Yep, I have to do that too.



  4. I think all farmers are in a hurry to get the last of the crops off the ground. It is always a good feeling to be able to get the corn crop to market or put up for the year. I loved your last picture. I haven’t forgotten your towels, they are still being woven. I promise to try to have them done soon!


  5. We checked in with the neighbors to see how the corn was coming along. Its still at 18% moisture. To wet still to put in the bins. They are not sure if they will get it cut! It is irrigated corn. They use it for their feed lot. We were hoping to put some of our cows on there.
    Such a chore cleaning ALL the autos. But an accomplishment when done. 🙂


  6. Hope you made a dent in your office area. Tell Terry if he does it now what will he have to look forward to come November 🙂


  7. Paper work is a drag. Beautiful morning and evening pictures framing this post though…at least you got away from the desk for that.

    I am sorry you are having trouble getting my blog to load — I wish I knew what to do about it and hope it gets better for you. Sometimes I think wordpress and typepad fight with each other as I sometimes have trouble with WP blogs.


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